vol.15 NUXEO JAPAN Co., Ltd. | Tenant Voices
NUXEO JAPAN Co., Ltd. Mr. Kazuhiro Terauchi, CEO and President

※Position at time of interview

Clients are Fortune 500 companies and government organizations. A diverse and massive volume of content is processed efficiently to support the digitalization of Japanese companies.

Under today’s environment of rapidly intensifying global competition, the working population of Japan has dramatically decreased, while society’s view of the working environment has become sensitive. Japanese companies must achieve maximum business success with limited resources.

Compared with Western countries, the productivity of Japan is significantly lower. A major reform through digitalization is highly desired, yet many Japanese companies are forced to spend much of their funds and resources to maintain high-cost and inflexible systems, preventing progress with their reforms. In such a circumstance, Nuxeo Japan provides a flexible and modern architectural platform and achieves “digital transformation” that dramatically reduces cost while improving the task efficiency to a new level.

Nuxeo Japan is a Japanese corporation of Nuxeo, which was established in Paris and presently has its headquarters in New York. Nuxeo is a leading company in this field and provides a “content services platform” that can efficiently process a large amount of diverse digital content. It has introduced the present platform to large companies that are listed on the Fortune 500 and to government organizations.

Mr. Kazuhiro Terauchi, the president and CEO of Nuxeo Japan, said,

“Our services can efficiently process a large volume of diverse contents. For example, financial organizations must store billions of documents for years under extremely tight security and perform various processes as necessary. Film companies must store massive volume of videos. Some of our clients have successfully reduced the cost and are able to quickly perform processes that used to take days, leading to a new business model.”

The platforms provided by Nuxeo are characterized by their ease of introduction and a high level of expandability. These platforms are open platforms centered on the data model based on the content and API. Thus, as business needs change, companies can accelerate the task processes using the power of digitalization, allowing for extraction of intelligence from content using AI. In this manner, this platform can promptly respond to business changes.

“Past business systems often incurred high cost and time to create an application, which often required support with expert skills and expensive hardware. Thus, companies were forced to spend money and resources to maintain and update those systems, making them unable to achieve digital transformation. However, because the Nuxeo platform can be easily developed by setting the functions that are already prepared in advance, the cost and time of introduction can be dramatically reduced. Furthermore, subsequent maintenance and expansion are superior. Because the platform is open, collaboration with many other solutions and cloud services are possible, further expanding the business possibilities for our customers,” said Mr. Terauchi.

Nuxeo Japan is the base for advancing in the Asia Pacific Region. The strategy is to pioneer the Japanese market where the IT market is mature and much need exists in the field, and then to advance into Asia. But, why was the office set up in Marunouchi?

“That is because our clientele is companies,” continued Mr. Terauchi. “If we were a startup that handled B2C business, Shibuya and Roppongi might have been a good option; however, our targets in the Japanese market are financial organizations, global manufacturers, and central governments. To work with these clients, having the office in Marunouchi makes us more trustworthy. Furthermore, some of our clients have their headquarters in Kyoto or Osaka. When we visit these companies or have them visit Nuxeo Japan, being located right in front of Tokyo Station is extremely convenient.”

Nuxeo Japan moved into EGG JAPAN almost a year ago. We asked Mr. Terauchi his opinion about actually utilizing EGG JAPAN. He responded with a smile.

“It is extremely useful. Office spaces are secure, and facilities are well set up. It is easy to access companies in Otemachi, and we have been introduced to possible clients. We are in talks with these companies toward signing a partnership contract.”

Owing to self-driving, VR, IoT, 5G communications, 8K videos, and the development of other digital technologies, the data Japanese companies will handle will continue to expand. It seems that Nuxeo Japan will be essential in the Japanese economy in the near future.

Mr. Kazuhiro Terauchi

After graduating from university, Mr. Terauchi worked in the information system divisions of US hardware/software vendors and Japanese companies, and he gained experience in Western digital agencies. Subsequently, he was appointed as the president and CEO as a French company, Nuxeo, made its way into Japan. Today, he is focusing on further building this Japanese corporation.

Established in Paris, France, in 2000, Nuxeo provides a “content services platform” that can efficiently process large amount of diverse digital data. Today, the headquarters is located in New York. As the leader of this field, Nuxeo provides its platform to Fortune 500 companies and national governments, especially in the US and Europe. In 2018, as the base for the Japan and Asia-Pacific expansion, the office opened in EGG JAPAN, located in Marunouchi, Tokyo. Nuxeo Japan was established as a local corporation, expanding services to Japanese companies and government organizations.

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