Please complete the form and return it to us. One of our staff will soon contact you.

Kindly note that in some cases, we cannot reply to your e-mail due to the unavailability of office vacancy.
We will conduct an interview of those touring our facility in order to develop a further understanding of your business.

* Required item

Company Name *

※The “Your company’s name” field was left blank.

Head Office Location *

※The “Head office address” field was left blank.

Name *

※The “Name” field was left blank.

Phone *

※The “Telephone number” field was left blank.

Email *

※The “E-mail addres” field was left blank.

Company Website *

※The “Your company’s name” field was left blank.

Please describe your business5,000 characters maximum

※The number of characters exceeds 5000.

Current size of your team

Preferred starting dateonly one can be selected

Questions/Points to be discussed *5,000 characters maximum

※The “Questions/Points” field was left blank.

※The number of characters exceeds 5000.

How did you find out
about EGG?You may select multiple responses

※The number of characters exceeds 5000.


Privacy policy

All personal information on the entry form will be strictly managed within Mitsubishi Estate Privacy policy ( and used solely for the purposes of determining whether we can provide your company with business support. Mitsubishi Estate will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your permission, apart from, and then only to the extent that it is required, to certain external professionals such as certified public accountants, lawyers, tax accountants, consultants, etc.

Cookie and access log

Some pages of this website adopts the cookie and web beacon for the purpose of improving the convenience and enriching our service. To use the full functionality available in this website, please set your browser to access the cookie. Please also note that we record an access log for the purpose of the maintenance and management of this website and the statistical analysis on the usage situations.
With the aim of improving service and the user’s experience, this Website uses what is known as “cookies” and web beacons. In order to enjoy the full functionality of this Website, you are requested to enable the acceptance of cookies from this Website in your browser software settings. Furthermore, with the aim of enhancing the convenience of users, this Website records an access log for the performance of statistical analysis of the operational and usage status of this Website.


For your safety and security, some pages of this Website use SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Personal information entered on pages that use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is automatically encrypted before transmission and reception to prevent interception or falsification by a third party.

If you have any inquiries about the details of our personal information management system, please contact our administration office below.

xTECH Leasing and Promotion Department, Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.
Address: Otemachi Park Bldg. 1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Inquiry (

※Please check the box marked.


Expand your business based in Marunouchi, Tokyo. 

We look forward to welcoming you into an ideal environment where you can focus on business development.